Tuesday, October 4, 2011

If You Blame Obama When Oil Goes Up Where is the Praise When the Price Drops?

As oil prices rose after last summer the right wing media blamed President Obama for the fact that the price of oil was rising.  The Washington Times did it here.  Eric Bolling of Fox Business Network can be seen blaming Obama for "pain at the pump,"  Not to be omitted from this chorus is the constantly misinformed former half Governor of Alsaka, Sarah Palin.  Others making the claim include David Limbaugh, Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal, Tammy Bruce and Sean Hannity.

As of early October 4, 2011 the price of oil is now down to $76.35 a barrel.  That is down $5.38 over the last year.  It is also down nearly one third from its high earlier this year.  So with President Obama still in office and oil prices going down where is the praise from the right wing media?  If the right wing media was right that the president caused oil prices to raise because of his polices then those policies can also bring the price of oil down.

The praise for the president from the right is missing because all they can do is blame him for what is going wrong and never praise him for what is right.