Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Soccer Most Corrupt Sport?

People complain that there is too much doping and cheating going on in professional cycling.  However, there was only one positive test in the 2011 Tour de France.  And that was for a masking agent and not a performance enhancing drug.

Soccer on the other hand seems to be having major scandals now.  Juventus had to give up two titles because they were caught paying to get certain referees for their games.  Now in Turkey the entire season is has been delayed five weeks by a game fixing scandal.

Right now it looks like soccer is more corrupt than cycling.

Given a choice between watching a soccer match or a stage race on television, I'd go with the stage race any day.  In the stage race once you get ahead you have to fight to stay ahead so that the peleton cannot chase you down.  In soccer you score a goal and it is time for the four corner defense to stall the game away.

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