Monday, January 2, 2012

Uneducated GOP Attack on the Courts

As the Iowa caucuses draw near it is time to look at the troubling positions on the judiciary taken by some of the Republican candidates. I will look at the more vocal attackers of the federal judiciary and the failings of the arguments and their lack of understanding the Constitution and its separation of powers.  One of the strongest parts of the Constitution is the independence of the judiciary.  Once appointed as an Article III judge there is life tenure subject to removal for committing high crimes or misdemeanors through the Impeachment process.  This has only been done fourteen times since the adoption of the Constitution.

People seeking to be the Republican nominee for President seem to be unaware of this process and have other ideas about federal judges.

Newt Gingrich, the historian [?], believes that the executive and legislative branches have ceded supremacy to the courts and seems to think that it is ok to call a federal judge before congress to explain a decision that he does not like.  Let’s start with the first complaint.  A review of recent history will show how false this claim is.  In Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 550 U.S. 618 (2007) the Supreme Court severely limited the rights of people who have been discriminated in their employment to be able to bring a law suit for damages.  The second law enacted by the 111th Congress modified the law to make it easier to bring employment discrimination cases.  The enactment of what is commonly known as the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 shows what the executive and legislative branches can do when faced with a decision of the courts that they disagree with.  When faced with an unpopular interpretation of the Constitution (as opposed to a statute) the other two branches can take the initial steps to amend the Constitution.  When the Supreme Court decided that burning the flag was protected by the First Amendment multiple proposals to amend the Constitution were introduced in both houses of Congress.  However, none of the proposals ever were passed by the House and Senate and sent tote h states for ratification.

Mr. Gingrich also wants to require federal judges to appear before Congress to explain their decisions.  Having read thousands of court decisions over the years, I have yet to read one decision that did not explain the basis for the decision.  If Mr. Gingrich wants to understand how a judge ruled the way they did, I suggest that he just read the decision.

Next up, Michele Bachmann.  In the debates she speaks about how she believes that activist judges are enacting laws.  There are 51 separate Titles in the United States Code.  However, despite numerous times making this claim she never once says what law was ever enacted by a judge.  She claims to be a constitutional conservative (is that like a compassionate conservative?) but fails to understand the same things that Newt Gingrich does not understand that the courts are not the final arbiter of the laws of this country.  A court may say what a certain law means (because the legislature that enacted it was less than crystal clear as to what certain provisions of a law mean) but the executive and legislative branches can make that interpretation null and void as described above.

Rick Perry does not like activist judges.  However, he does not name any current judges that ate activists.  At least he understands that after a Supreme Court decision that interprets the Constitution in way in that he disagrees with, that there is a way to amend the Constitution.  He wants to amend the Constitution to allow prayer in public schools.  What he does not realize is that there is already prayer in the public schools.  The Supreme Court only outlawed, under the First Amendment, organized prayer in the public schools in Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962).  As Barry Goldwater is reported to have said, as long as there are math tests there will be prayer in the public schools.  This type of unorganized prayer has never been banned by the Court.

I only discuss the three candidates above because they have been the most vocal in attacking the judiciary.   However, the hypocrisy of the Republicans running for President and screaming for States’ Rights (we will not discuss the racial overtones of this phrase here) is unbelievable.  Every Republican running screams for States’ Rights under the Tenth Amendment.  However, when every Republican other than Willard M. Romney and Ron Paul failed to get on the primary ballot in Virginia they have sued Virginia in federal court.  So the Republicans, led by Rick Perry, who could not comply with a state law, are seeking to overturn that law in federal court; Priceless.

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